
some history

My video hardware development work for the Experimental Television Center, and for Design Lab, included a contribution in building the last generation of custom Jones analog and digital image and sound synthesizers currently installed at the Television Center. I also have constructed various audio and video synths including a unique modular Jones video synthesizer.

early Jones ETC keyer w/ schematics

This was an early Dave Jones keyer. Rich Brewster documented and built it. We referred to this as the black box keyer because it was in a black box. This keyer moved around a bit, at times it was at the center, at times it was at Ralph's studio. I first used this keyer as a student working at the ETC in the converted photo lab studio (at that point the Center was still on Court Street in Binghamton). Years later when I was working for the TV center I lobbied to install it back into the ETC studio.
